menunggu jawab

setiap hari selalu menanti, akankah perjuanganku selama ini berhasil

Rabu, 04 April 2012

Task 1

Using the given information, make sentences using now that

1. Peggy used to take the bus to school, but last week she bought a car. Now she can drive to school.
    now that peggy has a car, she can drive to school.
2. You just had your sixteenth birthday. Now you can get a driver's license.
3. We have to wear warm clothes. It's winter now.
4. Bob used to live in the dorm, but a couple of weeks ago he moved into apartment. Now he can cook his own food.
5. John used to be overweight, but recently he has lost twenty pounds. He looks better and he feels better.

Task 2

Complete the following

1. As long as it's such a nice day, why don't................................................
2. As long as the movie is free, let's............................................................
3. As long as it's raining, i'll........................................................................
4. As long as the coffee is made, I guess I'll.................................................
5. As long as you're here, why don't............................................................

Task 3

Combine the following sentences using conjunction showing cause and effect
1. Monday is Bob's birthday. Let's give him a party.
2. Monday is a national holiday. All government offices will be closed.
3. The guys I live with don't know any Arabic. I have to speak English with them.
4. Oil is an irreplaceable natural resource. We must do whatever we can in order to conserve it.
5. Mary, maybe you could help me with this calculus problem. You're a math major.

Task 4

The followings are other ways of showing cause and effect relationships.
Underline the words or phrases that show cause and effect relationships.
1. a. Because the weather was nice, we went to the zoo.
    b. It was such nice weather that we went to the zoo.
    c. The weather was so nice that we went to the zoo.
2. It was such good coffee that I had another cup.
3. It was such a foggy day that we couldn't see the road.
4. The coffee is so hot that I can't drink it.
5. I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse.

Notes :

 - No. 1 a,b and c have the same meaning
 - Such + Adjective + Noun + that

 - So + Adjective/Adverb + that

 - So...that..,can be used with many,few,much, and little.

Activity 2

Read the passage and answer the following questions.


       Many people are worried about what televition has done to the generation of American children who have grown up watching it.
For one thing, recent studies tend to show that TV stifles creative imagination.
Some teacher fewel that televition has taken away the child's ability to form mental pictures in his own mind,
resulting in children who cannot understand a simple story without visual ilustrations.
Secondly, too much TV too early tends to cause children to withdraw from real-life experiences.
Thus, they grow up to be passive spectators who can only respond to action, but not initiate it.
The third area for concern in the serious complaint frequently made by elementary school teachers that children exhibit a low tolerance for the frustrations of learning.
Because they have been conditioned to see all problems resolved in 30 or 60 minutes on TV,
they are quickly discouraged by any activity that promises less  that instant grafitication.
But, perhaps the most serious result is the impact of televition violence ob children,
who have come to regard it as an everyday thing.
Not only does this increase their tolerance of violent behavior in others.
but most authorities now concede that under certain conditions, some children will imitate anti-social acts that they witnes on television.

Task 1

Complete the following table.

Area Cause Effect
1. Creativity   Children cannot understand a simple story without visual illustration.
2. Passivity Children withdraw from real life at an early age.  
3. Impatience   Children exhibit a low tolerance for the frustrations of learning.
4. Violence Children witness violence on television.  
Task 2

Using your own words retell the disadvantages of Television to Children.

Task 3

Developing arguments based on the passage above.

Activity 3

Job Discrimination

       Why is it that American working women complain about job discrimination? 
Statistics suggests that there is a basis for their grievances.
According to recent figures compiled by the women's Bureau of the U.A. Department of labor,
nearly 40 percent of all women is higher than that of their male counterparts,
women are highly concentrated in underpaid and menial jobs: 75 percent of all clerical workers are women; 
55 percent of all service workers are women; 27 percent of all factory worker are women.
of the women withaut college degress, 70 percent are working.
Of this number, only 2 percent are executives, while 40 percent are employed in clrical, sales, or factory positions.
Their medium income is only 51 percent of that of men.
Only twenty-five states have laws requiring equal pay for equal workand these laws are often circumvented by giving a women a lesser title.
In contrast, forty-three states have laws which limit the number of hours a women can work (usually eight) 
and thereby prevent women from earning overtime pay and promotions.
finally, while the percentage of women in the labor force increases,
the income gap between male and female workers has been widening at the rate of 0,5 percent per year for the past twenty years.

Causes Effect
1. Women in general have a higher  medien education than men, but are employed in menial jobs (clerical, service, factory).  
2. Women with degress....  
3. State laws..................................................... Complains of job discrimination by women.

Activity 4

Reading Comprehension.

Should school children take part-time jobs?
Editor          : This month our panel looks at part-time jobs.Are they good for school children or not?
Headmaster : Devinitely not. Children have got two full-time jobs.
                     Are they good for school children or not?
Mrs. Barnes : I agree. I know school hours are short, but there's homework as well.And children need a lot of sleep.
Mr. Barnes   : Young children perhaps, but some boys stay at school until they are eighteen or nineteen.
                     A part-time job can't harm them. In fact, it's good for them.
                     They earn their pocket-money instead of asking their parents for it.
                     And they see something of the world outside school.
Businessman: You're absolutely right. Boys learn a lot from a part-time job.
                     And we mustn't forget that some families need extra money.
                     If the pupils didn't take part-time jobs they couldn;t stay at school.
Editor          : Well, we seem to be equally divided: two for, and two agains. What do our readers think?

Task 1

Answer the following questions.

1. Who are the members of the panel?
2. What are they discussing?

3. Why does the headmaster think part-time jobs are bad? Who agrees?
4. Does husband agree with her?

5. What's his opinion about part-time jobs for older pupils?
6. Does the businessman agree with Mr. Barnes or with hte headmaster?
7. In what way does he think part-time jobs are useful?

Task 2

make summary of the discussion above using the following clues:

State the case FOR(agree) :

1. good for older boys-earn pocket money, don't ask parents.
2. See world, learn a lot.

3. Help their families-extra money, help themselves-can afford to stay at school.

State the case AGAINST :

1. Bad for children-two jobs already : growing up, going to school.
2. Children- a lot of sleep ; part-time jobs-tired, sleep in class.
3. School hours short, but homework. Education important, not money.

Task 3

What do you think?

1. Is growing up a job? Why/why not? What about going to school?
2. Do children need a lot of sleep? Why do some pupils fall asleep in class?
3. Is it better to earn pocket-money or to be given it? Why?
4. What can you learn from a job that you can't learn at school?
5. The speakers only mention boys. Should girls take part-time jobs? Why/why not?
6. Part-time jobs can be done at different times-before school/after school/at weekends/in the holidays.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of these times?
7. Here are some part-time jobs: cleaning cars/helping in a shop/looking after children/helping in the garden.
    If you wanted a part-time job, which would you choos and why?
8. Have you ever fallen asleep in class? What happened?
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying at school until you are eighteen or nineteen?
10. In most countries it is more common for students at college or university to take part-time jobs
      than school children. Can you suggest why?

Task 4

Give solution with your argument to the following problem.

Mario is sixteen and very clever. His teacher thinks he can win a scholarship to university.
BUT hsis father is ill and there are three younger children.If mario left school he could get a job and help his family. 
Should he leave school or not? Give your explanation to support your argument.

Activity 5

Listen to the following short talk and answer the questions.
Questions :

1. The author is talking about the diseases of heart and circulation among people who..........
    a. Work too hard.

    b. Smoke cigarettes.

    c. Live alone.

    d. Have low blood pressure.

2. What causes blood vessels to contract?
    a. The absence of tobacco in bloodstream.
    b. The presence of tobacco in bloodstream.
    c. The presence of tobacco in cigarettes.
    d. The absence of tobacco in society.
3. What causes the shortness of breath?
    a. Tobacco in the bloodstream helps hemoglobin to release oxygen.
    b. Tobacco in the bloodstream reduces the ability of hemoglobin to release oxygen.
    c. Tobacco in the bloodstream reduces the ability of hemoglobin to release nitrogen.
    d. Tobacco in the bloodstream increases the ability of hemoglobin to release oxygen.
4. The lack of oxygen forces the heart to....
    a. Beat faster.

    b. Beat slower.

    c. Be attacked.

    d. Grow bigger.

Activity 6


Directions : For each picture you will hear four statement A, B, C, or D. 
Choose the statement which best described the picture.

Senin, 02 April 2012

ngakak bareng nyoook

ini nah buat orang surabaya yang suka humor

Humor Suroboyoan Jilid Siji
Derek-derek sedoyo,
Pancene wis diakoni lek arek Suroboyo iku mbanyolan, gak ndhik omah,
tandhang gawe utowo cangkruk. Lha banyolan sing onok ndhik buku
iki asale yo seko ngrungokno omongane konco-konco, sanak kadhang lan
tonggo teparo. Embuh mbujuk opo temenan aku yo gak njamin, sing penting
lucu yo tak catet. Banyolan-banyolan iki yo wis tau disebarno ndhik
mailing list Suroboyoan pimpinan Cak Mujaya Kertadi.
Buku iki (jilid siji) dibagi dhadhi papat bagian.
Bagian pertama iku isine cerito-cerito khayal. Ceritone gak masuk akal
tapi sing penting lucu.
Bagian kedua isine banyolan wong urip rumah tangga. Peno sing wis
rabi koyoke kudhu moco iki, cik gak dibujuki ambek bojo sampeyan.
Sing bagian ketiga iku isine ceritoWonokairun ambek Bunali. Wonokairun
iku wonge masio tuwek tapi mbethik gak gelem kalah ambek Bunali. Lek
sampeyan tau ngrungokno acara Trio Buluru Radio Susanna, mungkin kenal
ambek Wonokairun. Sing terakhir iku bagian papat sing nyeritakno
keluarga Pak Imron sing ndhuwe anak wedho ayu jenenge Romlah. Keluarga
Imron iku kiro-kiro nggambarno keluarga rata -rata wong Suroboyo
sing biasane isine guyon thok.
Umpomo sampeyan isok ngguyu moco buku iki, aku yo melok seneng.
1 Humor Suroboyoan Jilid Siji
Cerito Khayal: Salesman 1.1
Kapanane onok Salesman Vaccum Cleaner teko nhik omahku.
Ewangku durung sempet ngomong opo-opo moro-moro salesman iku
mau langsung nyebarno tembelek wedhus ndhik karpet.
Jarene ngene ”Wis pokoke buk, lek sampek vaccum cleanerku iki gak
isok nyedot, tak jamin tak emploke sithok-sithok tembeleke wedhus iku.”
Jare ewangku ”Peno kepingin didhulit sambel tha ngemploke ?”.
”Lho opoko masalae ?” salesmane takok.
”Lha peno gak ndhelok tha saiki lampu mati ...”
Cerito Khayal: Rasa Stroberi tah .
. .? 1.2
Pas acara perpisahan arek TK, setiap murid nggowo kado gawe bu gurune.
Sing pertama maju anake pedagang bunga.
Bu gurune ngambung kadone ambek mbedhek, ”Isine kembang yo....”.
”Seratus buat bu guru..” jare anake pedagang bunga.
Sing kedua maju anake wong dhodhol mracang.
Ambek bu gurune kadone dikocok-kocok. Wah iki rodok angel mbedheke,
”Isine permen yo...”.
”Pinter bu guru..” jare anake wong dhodhol mracang.
Mari ngono, maju anake wong dhodhol es krim. Pas kadone diangkat,
dhadhak netes. Ambek bu gurune tetesane diincipi.
”Es krime rasa anggur yo...” jare bu gurune kemeruh.
”Salah...” jare areke.
”Rasa stroberi tah...?” bu gurune kemeruh maneh.
”Salah ..” jare areke.
”Wis aku nyerah, rasa opo sih iku” takok bu gurune.
1.3 Cerito Khayal: Ngentutan
”Isinya anak anjing kok bu guru...”
Cerito Khayal: Ngentutan 1.3
Yuk Jah lungo perikso nang dokter.
”Opoko sampeyan ning ?” Jare doktere.
Yuk Jah terus cerito, ”Iki lho dok, wis sak wulan iki aku malih ngentutan.
Sak jam isok ping sepuluh aku ngentut. Cumak untunge, entutku iku
gak mambu ambek gak onok suorone, dhadhi gak onok sing ngerti. Lha
iki pas aku longgo ndhik ngarepe sampeyan ae wis ping telu aku ngentut.
Tapi sampeyan gak ngerti tho, mergo iku mau, entutku gak muni ambek
gak mambu. Cumak aku malih gak enak dhewe, mosok arek wedhok
ngentutan ”.
”Oh, ngono tah.. Lek ngono tebusen resep iki. Seminggu maneh mbaliko
rene maneh” jare doktere.
Pas wis seminggu yuk Jah mbalik maneh nang doktere.
”Wis enakan tah ?” takok doktere.
”Aku gak ngerti obat opo sing dokter kekno wingi, cumak entutku saiki
kokambune malih bosok gak karuan. Sampek kudhu nggeblak aku. Tapi
untunge entutku sik tetep gak muni”, jare yuk Jah.
”Berarti saiki irung sampeyan wis gak buntu maneh. Saiki tebusen resep
ikiyo” jare doktere.
”Obat opo maneh iku pak dokter ?” takok yuk Jah.
”Obat kopok..”
Cerito Khayal: Lobang 1.4
Sakri ambek Nasip mlaku budhal mancing. Moro-moro Nasip ndhelok
onok lobang guedhe.
1 Humor Suroboyoan Jilid Siji
”Eh ayok dites jerune sak piro se lobang iki” jare Nasip.
Sakri njupuk watu kali terus diuncalno ndhik lobang mau. Sui gak onok
suorone blas... ”Whuik jerune...,” jare Sakri
”Watune kurang gedhe be’e, cobak kelopo” jare Nasip. Sakri njupuk
kelopo terus diuncalno maneh ndhik lobang.
Sepiii gak onok suorone.... ”Whuik jerune...,” jare Sakri
”Sik golek sing luwih gedhe maneh,” jare Nasip.
Mari golek-golek, arek loro iku akhire nemu beton bekas bantalane rel
sepur. Berhubung abhot, betone digotong wong loro terus disurung mlebu
Tapi yo ngono, suiii gak onok suorone... ”Cik jerune lobang iki..” jare
Sakri Moro-moro seko semak-semak, onok wedhus mlayu katene nubruk
arek loro. Selamete arek loro iku isok ngelesi, tapi sakno wedhuse sing
kecemplung lobang.
Kagete jik durung ilang, moro-moro onok Wak Dri nggowo arit takok
nang arek loro iku.
”He rek, kon ndhelok sing nyolong wedhusku tah ? Tak bacoke wonge
!!!”, takok Wak Dri.
”Wah gak ngerti Wak Dri, cumak sik tas ae onok wedhus kecemplung
lobang iku” jare Nasip.
”Oo gak mungkin.. dhudhuk wedhusku lek sing iku, wedhusku mau tak
cancang ndhik betone rel sepur ”
Cerito Khayal: Avtur 1.5
Uwar ambek Joko koncoan apik, karo-karone kerjo ndhik Lanud Juanda
bagian pengisian BBM Pesawat.
Bengi-bengi pas udhan deres, Juanda sepi gak onok pesawat sing wani
mudhun, wong loro iku malih nganggur gak onok gawean.
”Adem-adem ngene enake ngombe yo” jare Uwar.
”Wah iyo tepak iki. Awakmu tau krungu tah lek avtur iku isok diombe
?” jare Joko.
1.6 Cerito Khayal: Argowilis
”Yo tau se, jarene lek ngombe avtur isok mak busss !!..kon wani nyobak
tah ?” Uwar mulai gunggungan.
Mari ngono arek loro mbukak krane truk tanki avtur. Wis tuwuk ngombe
arek loro iku mulih terus keturon.
Isuke pas Uwar tangi, rasane awake sueger kuat. Moro-moro onok tilpun
muni, tibake Joko sing nilpun. ”Yok opo kon War..?” jare Joko
”Wah whuenak, kon yok opo ?” jare Uwar.
”Awakku yo sueger pisan. Kon gak teler tah ?” jare Joko.
”Gak blas, aku yo gak ngelu blas. Wis pokoke enak. Mene nyobak
maneh tah ?” jare Uwar.
”Yo setuju, cumak aku kate takok, kon wis ngentut dhurung ?” takok
”Dhurung..” jare Uwar.
”Wah gawat iki. Wis pokoke kon ojok sampek ngentut yo. Diempet ae
sak kuatmu. .” jare Joko.
”Lho opoko masalae ..?” Uwar bingung.
”Soale aku saiki ndhik Banjarmasin..”
Cerito Khayal: Argowilis 1.6
Onok wong papat podho gak kenale numpak sepur Argowilis jurusan Suroboyo
Sing pertama ibu-ibu umure sekitar 60an. Ketokane termasuk keluarga
ningrat lek ndhelok pacakane.
Sebelahe ibu-ibu iku onok cewek ayu koyok covergirl majalah umure
sekitar 20an.
Ndhik ngarepe ibu-ibu iku mau onok tentara berseragam dinas, lengkap
karotanda jasane. Pokoke berwibawa, umure 50an.
Sebelahe tentara mau onok arek lanang gondrong umure 25an. Ketokane
Selama perjalanan, wong papat iku ngobrol macem-macem. Sampek
moro-moro sepure mlebu terowongan athik lampune mati, dhadhi petengan
pol. Wong papat iku malih meneng kabeh.
1 Humor Suroboyoan Jilid Siji
Gak sui moro-moro onok suoro pipi disun terus mari ngono suorone wong
dikaplok PLAK..!!!. Wis mari ngono sepi maneh.
Sing ibu-ibu iku mau mbatin, ”Wah hebat arek wedhok sebelahku iki,
isok menjaga harga diri, gak gelem diperlakukan sembarangan”.
Sing arek wedhok sebelae yo mbatin pisan, ”Gak salah tah, sing ngesun
mau iku, wong onok arek ayu koyok aku kok malah nenek-nenek tuwek
sing disun”.
Lha sing tentara iku ambek ngusap-ngusap pipine sing kenek kaplok
melok mbatin pisan, ”Jangkrik, gak melok ngesun tapi kenek kaplok. Dikiro
aku pengecut tah, lek aku gelem gak usah ngenteni peteng. Wah tersinggung
Arek rocker iku karo ngempet ngguyu melok mbatin pisan, ”Kapan
maneh rek, isok ngaplok kolonel gathik konangan. Padahal sing tak sun
mau iku tanganku dhewe”.
Cerito Khayal: Mbah Jo 1.7
Mbah Jo dirawat ndhik rumah sakit. Jare doktere asmane wis kronis,
irungesampek dipasangi selang.
Wis pirang-pirang dino iki mbah Jo meneeng ae koyok wong koma, mripate
thok sing ketap-ketip. Dikiro wis wayahe mangkat, anake nyelukno
mudhin ben didungakno.
Pas mudhine enak-enak ndungo, moro-moro Mbah Jo megap-megap gak
isokambekan, raine pucet, tangane gemeter. Nganggo bahasa isyarat mbah
Jo nirokno wong nulis. Anake ngerti maksute, langsung dijupukno kertas
ambek pulpen.
Ambekmegap-megap, mbah Jo nulis surat. Karo siso-siso tenogone
mbah Jo ngekekno surate iku mau nang pak Mudhine. Ambek Pak Mudhine
kertase iku mau langsung disaki, rasane kok gak tepak moco surat
wasiat saiki, pikire pak Mudhin.
Mari ngesaki surat pak Mudhin nerusno ndungone. Gak sui mari ngono
mbah Jo mangkat. Akeh wong sing kelangan, soale masio sangar, mbah
Jo iku wonge apikan.
1.8 Cerito Khayal: Jin
Pas selametan pitung dinane Mbah Jo, Pak Mudhin diundang maneh.
Mari mimpin ndungo, Pak Mudhin lagek iling lek dhe’e nganggo klambi
batik sing digawe pas mbah Jo mangkat. Lha ndhik sake lak onok titipan
surate Mbah Jo tah, waduh selamet iling aku rek, pikire pak Mudhin.
”Derek-derek sedoyo, onok surat seko almarhum Mbah Jo sing durung
taksampekno nang peno kabeh.
Lek ndhelok mbah Jo pas uripe, isine mestine nasehat kanggo anak
putune kabeh. Ayok diwoco bareng-bareng isi surate”. Mari ngono pak
Mudhin ngerogoh surat ndhik sake, bareng diwoco tibake munine..
Cerito Khayal: Jin 1.8
Mari kekeselen ngerombeng gak oleh-oleh, Kayat katene ngaso ngisore
witasem, mripate nguantuk, sikile kemeng, wetenge lue.
Sik tas katene keturon, dhadhak sikile ngincak botol. Bareng botole
dijupuk dhadhak metu beluke, Kayat mencolot kuaget.
”Hua ha ha ha, jenengku jin botol, telu panjalukmu bakal tak turuti,”
jare jine.
”Gak percoyo aku, paling kon kate mbujuki aku.
Biyen aku iki guanteng lan sugih, lha saiki aku malih ireng mlarat koyok
ngene iki mergo dibujuki ambek jin” jare Kayat.
”Lho biyen iku be’e awakmu pethuk ambek jin kaspo, lha aku iki lak jin
apikan tah, dhadhi wis gak usah khawatir.
Opo maneh awakmu wis kadung koyok ngono, gak bakal isok luwih soro
maneh, wis tah gak rugi pokoke.
Lek gak percoyo, cobaken dhisik ae njaluk opo” jare jine maneh.
”Yo wis, awas lek awakmu mbujuki. Tak gibheng kon !!!. Sing pertama,
aku kepingin ndhuwe dhuwik sak karung,” jare Kayat
”Meremo dhiluk..”jare jine. Ting... Pas melek moro-moro ndhik ngarepe
Kayat wis onok dhuwik sak karung, seket ewuan kabeh.
”Sik gak percoyo tah awakmu, saiki njaluk opo maneh .. ?” jare jine.
1 Humor Suroboyoan Jilid Siji
”Saiki .... aku njaluk omah mewah sak montore, pokoke lengkap sembarange.”
jarene Kayat.
”Meremo dhiluk..” jare jine.
Ting... Pas melek moro-moro Kayat wis nang njero omah mewah. Kayat
sueneng gak karuan.
”Lha saiki kari sithok panjalukmu sing isok tak turuti, pikiren sing temenan
cik gak getun” jare jine.
Ambek merem-merem mbayangno, Kayat njaluk, ”Aku kepingin kulitku
malih putih wudho dirubung wong wedhok akeh”.
Pas katene melek, samar-samar Kayat krungu suorone wong wedhok
rame ambek keroso awake dicekel-cekel. Tapi kok mambu iwak pindang,
pikire Kayat mulai curiga.
Bareng melek, Kayat kuaget lha kok wis nang tengah pasar, tibake Kayat
wis dhadhi tahu. . .
Urip Bebojoan: Kaspo thok ! ! ! 1.9
Sudjak pamitan ambek bojone kate tuku rokok sedhiluk. Mari tuku rokok,
dhadhak Sudjak kepethuk bekas pacare biyen.
Gak keroso enak-enak sir siran dhadhak wis jam rolas bengi.
”Waduh blaen iki, isok mencak-mencak bojoku. Aku njaluk wedhakmu
sithik.” jare Sudjak ndhik bekas pacare.
Mari njaluk wedhak, Sudjak pamitan mulih.
”Ndhik endhi ae peno iku Cak, tuku rokok nang Hongkong tah ?” bojone
mulai purik.
”Ngene lho dhik, mari tuku rokok aku pethuk cewek ayu terus dijak sir
siran sampek lali mulih” jare Sudjak.
”Cak.. cak.. modelmu ae athik sir siran barang.. sik ndhelok tanganmu
!!!” jare bojone Sudjak.
Pas didhelok, tangane Sudjak putih kabeh. ”Kaspo thok . .!!! Mene
sampek konangan karambol maneh awas kon yo !!!”
1.10 Urip Bebojoan: ”Rp. 200,000”
Urip Bebojoan: ”Rp. 200,000” 1.10
Sore-sore jam 3 onok tamu teko omahe Cak No.
”Kulo nuwun. Aku Kusen ning. Cacakmu onok tah ?” jare tamune.
”Sik durung mulih.. diluk ngkas paling, pinarak sik cak..” jare bojone
Cak No. Mari ngono arek loro malih asik ngobrol ambek ngenteni Cak No
”Sik tah ning, lek tak sawang-sawang sampeyan iku ayu lho athik seksi
pisan” Kusen mulai ngerayu.
”Peno jok macem-macem lho, tak kandakno bojoku tebhal sampeyan”
jare bojone Cak No.
”Ngene lho ning, aku wis gak tahan maneh. Lek aku oleh sun pipi sampeyan
pisan ae, dhuwik satus ewu iki jupuken” jare Kusen ambek ngetokno
seket ewuan loro.
Pikire bojone Cak No, mek disun thok ae, gak bakal konangan, opomaneh
jamane krismon lak lumayan tah.
”Yo wis, tapi diluk ae yo”. jare bojone Cak No.
Mari ngesun, Kusen ngekekno dhuwike.
”Tapi ning, aku sik gak lego lek gak ngesun karo-karone. Lek oleh ngesun
sitoke, tak kei satus ewu maneh” jare Kusen.
Pikire bojone Cak No, yo gak opo-opo se, paling mek diluk koyok mau.
Mari ngesun, Kusen ngetokno satus ewu maneh.
Bojone Cak No sueneng gak karuan, ”Sing iki pisan cak... gae bonus”,
Mari ngono Kusen terus pamitan alasane kesuwen ngenteni Cak No gak
teko-teko soale katene arep onok urusan liyo.
Gak sui, Cak No mulih.
”Cak mau onok konco sampeyan teko jenenge Kusen, wonge antik pol..”
bojone cerito.
”Oh iyo pancen mbethik arek iku.. Jarene kate nyaur utang rongatus
ewu, wis dibayar tah?”